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Former IDF Soldier Debunks Israel’s Claims of Being The Most Moral Army In The World | Kim Iversen Show

My Commentary on the First Segment of This Show

This is my commentary on the first segment of the Kim Iversen show where she interviews a former IDF soldier by the name of Adar Weinreb. I also shared my thoughts in brief with Ms. Iversen before making this post.

For Full Video on Rumble, Click Here: Former IDF Soldier Debunks Israel’s Claims of Being The Most Moral Army In The World

“Welcome to Hell”

Israel is a tiny country, bent on building an empire called Greater Israel, and like all other Empires, they must manipulate, compromise, exploit, rape, pillage, steal, murder & torture in order to displace its inhabitants, obtain the land and the resources that were there before they arrived. They have to have some fundamental ideology to support the righteousness of their claims to do what most would consider crimes against humanity.

When the Europeans came to the so-called “New World”, that is exactly what they did. Had they not done that there would be no United States of America today nor a Canada, Central and South America. Being a proud American and stating that you “love” your country most definitely must mean & should mean being proud of its history. However, when I hear people critique the foreign policies of the United States, I often wonder why they seem to always fall short of pointing to the very nature of the foreign policy that the United States was built on.

The only difference between what Israeli settlers and colonizers have done is the age in which it is being done. The same tactics, techniques and war crimes were committed by the initial Europeans of the so-called “New World”. North America & Central America were called Turtle Island before it was ravished.

Kim Iversen, mentioned that humans are migratory animals. This is true. However, if migration is for the purpose of Empire building then we have a serious problem. That’s because Empire building is ideologically prefaced on the fact that those whom they come in contact with are considered animals or sub-human savages. Therefore it would stand to reason that the migrants (colonizers) consider themselves superior to the indigenous that they come in contact with, thus, there is no crime against humanity, because the indigenous are not considered human.

During this time, the European empires of SpainPortugalBritainFranceRussia, the NetherlandsDenmark, and Sweden began to explore and claim the Americas, its natural resources, and human capital,[2][3][4][5] leading to the displacement, disestablishment, enslavement, and even genocide of the Indigenous peoples in the Americas,[2][3][4][5] and the establishment of several settler colonial states.[2][3][4][5][6]

Unfortunately, that is the nature of Empire. That is the nature of colonization.


Many of the first settlers were prisoners, vagabonds, and folks of ill repute. They were called explorers, given high praise, monetary assistance, monuments, history books, etc. yet they considered those they met here in the so-called “New World, sub-human savages. Then they went to Africa and kidnapped millions for their slave labor. These settlers were fortified by “their” fundamental ideology that gave them license to build their Empire from “Sea to Shining Sea”. They engaged in whatever they needed to do in order to have dominion over the territories they claimed to have discovered. Even if it meant warring against other European nations.

These territories existed long before their arrival and certainly had not been lost, found or discovered. But you won’t find this perspective taught in the history books. Instead you will find the promotion, propaganda and adulation along with national anthems, that perpetuate the righteousness of their quest in the west.

We cannot honestly point fingers at Israel for doing what its forbearers have done without acknowledging what happened in the so-called ‘New World”. Otherwise, we are being hypocritical. The avoidance of these facts around how the “New World” was colonized by foreigners claiming Manifest Destiny upon the land they colonized, only allows the same hubris from the Israelis when they say “from the river to the sea”.

The main reason that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so tenable and almost impossible to resolve is because of the European history of colonization all over the Western Hemisphere and Africa. They are all complicit in ignoring the big elephant in the room, that is, their own complicity in their role as colonizers. What the narcissistic and impudent behavior of the Israeli government and its supporters is showing us, is the underbelly of the brutality of the conquest of other lands performed by their own European forbearers. Even to this very day, the citizens of these European nations along with the US & Canada are reaping the economic benefits of the atrocities that were hoisted upon the peoples in the so-called “New World”. There is blood on everybody’s hands, not just Bibi Netanyahu.

The ICC & the ICJ would have to list all the war crimes that many nations have committed and not simply point at Israel as if it is one rogue state amidst many others who have been the most moral. It is a subtle and on the other hand, a blatant hypocrisy.

The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917.

The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” there.

This Declaration was not an anomaly fashioned out of whole cloth with no predecessor nor did it establish a precedent describing how colonies should be established. It happened 300 years after Plymouth Rock was founded by the Pilgrims in December of 1620. The disenchanted Pilgrims wanted a new land where they could settle and have religious freedom. However, they did not go to a vacant land, they made their incursion into a populated land and settled there.

The Israeli Settlers are simply a reflection of the early settlers of the Western Hemisphere who claimed it was a ‘New World” that they had the right to explore, settle upon and displace the original inhabitants. In order to do this, they too, had to see these original inhabitants as savages or sub-human. The reflection in the mirror for the entire Western World is penetrating. The cognitive dissonance that the citizens of the Western World have about their own horrendous history of death, destruction, torture, murder, famine and disease of indigenous peoples of the lands they wished to conquer, is the handmaiden of Israeli hubris.

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We can barely speak of the destruction of Western civilizations, if we wish to call it that, without reflecting on how Western civilizations were established in the first place. If we ignore the backs that were stood upon and subsequently broken so that the Western world could be prosperous, plentiful and mighty then we are summarily ignoring the fundamental onus that is on them and their forefathers.

Those who self-righteously reject what the Israelis and their government are doing are committing a major disservice to their argument against Israel by ignoring their own history. That is, they must admit in the most sincere and genuine way, that they too are guilty of war crimes of the past and the present. If they do not, then their rejections are simply blowing in the winds of historical rhymes. They are telling Israel to ignore what they’ve done to establish their great nations through rape, pillage, murder, torture, displacement and devastation, and pompously demanding that Israel follow the high moral ground that they themselves do not and did not stand on. In essence, they are telling Israel, “do as we say, not as we do”.

It stand to reason, that Israel will continue to reject their baseless requisitions. It stands to reason that Israel would have no desire to adhere to anything that the ICC or ICJ would throw at them. In fact, it actually makes sense that Israel would feel embolden to ignore what these petitioners are asking them because they obviously know that heretofore these petitioners have done the exact same thing in their quest to establish their own nations’ right to self-determination. They’ve had exemplary role models for centuries in advance of just how to establish dominion over territories that were inhabited before they arrived.

Quiet as it’s kept, colonialism is a form of terrorism if the colonizers are using war fare to invade another inhabited land for the express purpose of displacing the indigenous and seizing the resources they find there.

Today we call it Zionism. In the past it was called by many other names. History shows us that the results were the same no matter the terminology that was used. Colonizers came in all stripes with varying ideologies to support their claims and rights to another’s land, property and resources. The fundamental reality is that the invaders had one intrinsic ideology, and that was to conquer the land for the purpose of Empire building. PERIOD!

From Sea To Shining Sea

In 1845, newspaper editor John O’Sullivan coined the term “Manifest Destiny” to describe the ideology of continental expansionism.

Though the term was new, the ideas underlying it were much older, dating back to the first colonial contact between Europeans and Native Americans. The ideology that became known as Manifest Destiny included a belief in the inherent superiority of white Americans, as well as the conviction that they were destined by God to conquer the territories of North America, from sea to shining sea.

The ideology of Manifest Destiny justified extreme measures to clear the native population from the land, including forced removal and violent extermination. For proponents of Manifest Destiny, the American Indians were mere impediments to the forward march of racial and technological progress, and they advocated pursuing a policy of Indian Removal.1

Yesteryear's wars were fought with antiquated guns, bombs, bows and arrows, the Pony Express and Paul Revere.

Today's wars are fought with AI targeted bunker buster bombs and social media. The only difference is the times and who's doing the colonizing; the methodology is the same. Only when atonement & reparations are made to the indigenous of Turtle Island & the Enslaved Africans can there be genuine attrition for Israeli war crimes. Otherwise those in glass houses cannot throw stones and Israel can continue to ignore them while it continues to commit war crimes from the “River to the Sea”.

Watch This Video on Rumble: “America Is A Haunted House

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