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What Does Victory Mean?

Ben Swann | Truth In Media

What does victory mean?

In an Israeli Hebrew-language newspaper, IDF General Giora Eiland argued that turning Gaza into a place where “no human being can exist” is necessary to achieve their military goals. According to Israeli media, Israel’s top brass is also considering “transferring” Palestinians to the Congo in Africa. As the U.S. continues to subsidize this war effort, it’s important to ask: What will Gaza look like after the war?

AI generated image of Gaza

What I don't understand is why the Israeli's don't connect the dots. The destruction of the environment in Gaza and everywhere else around them is going to cause them long term health issues in the future. Not only are the Gazans experiencing long term health problems, disease, infections, etc. but the air itself is filled with it. The most horrendous polluters of the environment is the war machine.

Why are the climate change activists so silent?

Even the soldiers on the ground in Gaza are breathing the same air that is filled with toxic dust and who knows what else after the bombing. Do they not realized that the air is everywhere?

The air is extremely toxic and it seems these folks do not realize that they are endangering themselves, not only are they displacing the Palestinians. If they move into the areas that have been bombed they will be subjecting themselves to innumerable toxins left behind by the dead bodies rotting under the rubble, the residue left from the white phosphorous, the toxins left behind by the bombings, and God knows what else.

As soldier with fungal infection dies, fears grow of Gaza diseases spreading into Israel Cause of soldier’s death not yet confirmed; civilian medical experts warn of cases of potentially deadly fungal infections, other serious afflictions among soldiers By Renee Ghert-Zand 26 December 2023, 4:50 pm

"All Israeli hospitals have reported that a significant percentage of wounded soldiers have come back with serious antimicrobial-resistant infections that they’ve picked up through contact with contaminated soil, among other factors, said Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, an epidemiologist who heads Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s School of Public Health."

Is their thirst for a Greater Israel so great that they do not realize that they may not even live long enough to enjoy it? It’s one thing when you are fighting a war thousands of miles away, and even then, it still has its impact, but this war is going o right next door to them. Have they gotten so used to it that they don’t even realize the dangers to their own mental, emotional and physical health??

Why isn't anyone pointing that out?

Before anyone should even move in, the entire area needs to be sanitized and that should take years if not decades. Lahaina was leveled by a fire and they still have yet to be able to return or rebuild. The soldiers should be in hazmat suits and yet they are parading around like there is no danger to them. I simply do not understand the mindset of these people. They are not only destroying the lives of their sworn enemy, they are destroying their own lives and the lives of their children. They will see a slow and painful death, and for what? An ancient religious ideology? How do they think they can save the world by destroying it? They will be destroyed as well, why? because they are part of the world that they are hell bent on destroying.

10,000 Israel soldiers will face psychological crises by end of 2024, official data finds

Israel Caught Massacring Lebanese Civilians Under Same False Claim Of Hezbollah Tunnels Under Homes

The Rehabilitation Department expects that by 2030, the department will care for about 100,000 disabled soldiers, 50 per cent of whom will suffer from psychological disorders.

Spread of Disease in Gaza Endangers the Hostages Held by Hamas, and Will Soon Even Risk Israel

Gazans are at risk of a wide range of diseases whose vectors do not recognize political borders. "I estimate that within a few weeks, we'll begin to feel it in Israel. Initially, it will be in the southern locales and then it will be spread by soldiers who get infected and pass [disease] along to their families," says Prof. Dorit Nitzan, the director of the emergency medicine program at the Ben-Gurion University's School of Public Health…………….

…….Other risks arise from contaminated water, untreated sewage and disease-carrying flies, mosquitoes, rats, stray dogs and other animals. The air is filling up with toxic substances and heavy metals as a result of substantial bombing…………………………

……Dust carried by the wind may bring with it heavy metal particles, such as asbestos and war materials, warns Nitzan. In Kosovo, for example, that led to lead poisoning. To these risks, she adds contagious skin diseases, scabies due to head and pubic lice, cholera and diseases transmitted by flies and mosquitoes………….

If they want that place to be unlivable for any human being, how in the world do they expect to Israelis to live there??

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